This is what he has been waiting for! His mom said all he talked about for a week was the birthday cake. Of course like alot of children he ate a few bites and went off to play. lol Oh ya, and we all had green lips and teeth after eating it. lol
Mommy and Sdad are in the background getting ready to serve the icecream.
We went to see our grandson for the first time on April 18. It was his big brother's birthday. It was such a joy to see him running and playing with his big brother and soon to be step dad. I am being very discrete because I think his mommy would feel more comfortable this way. I just wanted you to see how handsome my grandson is. Oh and I know I don't have to say it, but Marshall, my son is really proud of his boy. And was even more thrilled then I to see him. We will be seeing him again this weekend at his Grammy's house. He is the little boy in red and his big brother is in the white. His mommy is a very busy woman. She attends college full time, works, takes care of the boys and an apartment, and is due in the fall with a little sister or brother for the boys. Her husband to be, (sorry can't spell the other word, lol) also attends college and is helping her rais the children. I think they are doing a wonderful job! It will take a while for my grandson to get to know us because he is autistic. We are taking it slow and easy, allowing him to go at his own pace. I feel blessed and proud at the same time. It is just as if he were just born into the family. What a beautiful child he is. Doesn't he look alot like his big brother?
Ok enough of the mushy stuff! I will post again after the weekend visit.